For Dogs
Puppy / Junior (newborn to 1 year old)
This is an exciting time for all in the family when you welcome your new family member to the fold. VetiVa’s puppy wellness consultations ensure your puppy gets off to the best start in life. Our experienced veterinarians will discuss important aspects of puppy care, including vaccinations and parasite prevention.
Puppy/ Junior wellness consults include:
  • Thorough clinical exam to assess for any congenital problems (e.g. dental problems, cardiac issues) and other illnesses.
  • Routine vaccinations to help protect against a range of preventable but potentially serious illnesses. Core vaccinations include: distemper, parvovirus, canine infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis and rabies.
  • Endoparasite (intestinal worm) control.
  • Ectoparasite (flea and tick) prevention.
  • Heartworm prevention and, if appropriate, testing.
  • Microchipping.
  • Spaying/neutering. Dogs can generally be neutered from 6 months, but dependant on breed and condition we may recommend delaying surgery until they are older.
Adult (1-7 years)
Your dog will require lifelong preventative care, including vaccinations and parasite control. Various treatment options are available and our veterinarians will discuss which prevention strategy is most appropriate for your pet’s lifestyle.
Adult dog wellness consults include:
  • A thorough clinical examination, including oral examination to identify any dental issues.
  • Booster vaccinations (annual to triennial depending on vaccine).
  • Endoparasite (intestinal worm) control.
  • Ectoparasite (flea and tick) prevention.
  • Heartworm prevention and, if appropriate, testing.
  • Spaying/neutering. Dogs can generally be neutered from 6 months, but depending on breed and condition we may recommend delaying surgery until they are older.
Mature (7+ years)
As your dog ages it is important to continue with regular veterinary visits to identify diseases which may be present before any overt sign of ill health appears. Blood tests and other diagnostic tests may be recommended as part of VetiVa’s routine annual wellness checks for older pets. Senior or geriatric dogs will benefit from more regular veterinary checks every 6-12 months.
Mature dog wellness consults include:
  • A thorough clinical examination, including oral examination to identify any dental health concerns.
  • Booster vaccinations (annual to triennial depending on vaccine).
  • Endoparasite (intestinal worm) control.
  • Ectoparasite (flea and tick) prevention.
  • Heartworm prevention and, if appropriate, testing.
  • Nutrition and dietary recommendations.
  • Exercise and mobility assessments.
  • Additional testing (including blood tests, x-rays or ultrasound, blood pressure measurement, urinalysis) may be recommended based on your dog’s clinical exam findings.