Tips for bringing kittens home the first time
  • Ensure the kitten cannot access small household items like strings, needles, hooks, and toy parts to prevent accidental swallowing.
  • Prepare different litter types and litter box types to find out what the kitten prefers.
  • Continue feeding the kitten its current diet initially to reduce the chance of diet intolerance, and provide multiple small meals throughout the day.
  • If changing the diet, introduce new food gradually over a week.
  • Schedule a veterinary appointment around 2 weeks after adoption or earlier if health issues arise.
Adult cats
Tips for bringing adult cats home the first time
  • Continue feeding the current diet initially to reduce the chance of diet intolerance.
  • Use the same litter box and litter to minimize stress; some cats may require 2 litter boxes. The number of litter box should be number of cats + 1 for multi-cat households, for instance, there should be 4 litter boxes in a 3 cats household.
  • Obtain and provide the cat's vaccination records and medical history to your vet.
  • Learn as much as possible about the cat, especially if it's adopted with an unknown history.
  • Consider a vet checkup, particularly for older or purebred cats prone to health issues.
  • Provide a quiet place for the cat to rest and allow them to become familiar with their new surroundings.