Advanced Medicine
Provide critical kidney support with our state-of-the-art dialysis service. Our specialized equipment and skilled veterinary team ensure comprehensive care for pets with kidney injury, certain toxins, certain immune and infectious diseases (e.g. leptospirosis).
Minimally Invasive Cancer Therapy
VetiVa offers minimally invasive cancer treatments, including chemoembolization to deliver chemotherapy and stop the tumor's blood supply, and intra-arterial chemotherapy for higher concentrations with fewer side effects, aiming for quick and effective treatment.
Interventional Radiology & Interventional Endoscopy
Combining state-of-the-art imaging and innovative endoscopic technology, our interventional approaches provide minimally invasive, precise diagnostic and treatment options for a variety of conditions. From airway, urinary, and vascular procedures to targeted care of internal organs, we ensure minimal discomfort and rapid recovery for your pet.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Experience less pain and faster recovery for your pet with our minimally invasive surgical options. From laparoscopy to arthroscopy, we use advanced techniques to perform complex surgeries with minimal trauma.